Machine_Wall Murals

The Client

Machine is an award winning creative agency based in South Africa with offices spread over Cape Town and Johannesburg. It is a part of Publicis Groupe.

The Brief

Our task was to create wall branding for the Machine offices. The branding would span several walls within the office, and eventually onto columns and even the ceiling. 

The Solution

Something central to everyone at Machine_ is the mantra of “Never Afraid”. Machinists are Never Afraid off the unknown or of doing things differently. They are not afraid of standing tall or standing up for what’s right. We wanted to take this internal mantra and make it external, to bring it to life for all to see. So, we designed the Never Afraid wall mural. Over a series of three adjacent walls we see the illustration morph to show the three stages of our battle: the face off, the fight, the victory. As the stages progress, so do the illustrations: “isolation” finds a companion, snarling dogs become subdued, the fear creature loses its head.

We showed Machine_ going up against its very own fears, shown as a monstrous creature. The creature was a dark maze of hidden details, putting together words and drawn interpretations of fears from “the blank page” to “failure”, from creepy dolls to death. The original colourway was black and gold in its first iteration, and then later was upgraded to black and white. 

My Role

Together with a copywriting partner I helped conceptualised the ‘big idea’ of the wall murals. I then illustrated the various components in Adobe Illustrator to be printed on wallpaper and vinyl and applied to the walls. 

Wall 1
Wall 2
Wall 3
Machine Wall_Pgoto

The Team

Katya Wagner | Concept + Illustration
Sam Newdigate | Concept + Copywriting

Brendan Hoffman | Creative Director (1st iteration)*
Juan Geel
 | Creative Director (2nd iteration)

Tammy Dent | Account Manager (1st iteration)
Kylie O’ Brien | Account Director (2nd iteration)

Nicky Scheepers | Production Manager (1st iteration)

René Blaauw | DTP Manager (1st iteration)
Mario Arrow | DTP Manager (2nd iteration)

*Note that iterations refer to the initial project (1st iteration) and a later upgrade (2nd iteration) due to office renovations. 

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